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Why recruitment is the most important business strategy

blog author

about 4 years ago

by Jamie Seaman

Why recruitment is the most important business strategy

Recruiting impacts everything! Hiring and cultivating the right talent is at the heart of growth, profit margins and overall business success! 

Did you know 70% of businesses need to hire at least once every three months?

If most people took a step back and assessed the roots of their business success, most of the time; people and hard work are at its core. Recruitment is the function that attracts and selects future leaders, analyses organisation requirements and gets the most performance; ultimately at the lowest cost if done correctly. 

Effective recruitment is more than hiring the right person for the job. Without a core team of quality and skilled employees, it is impossible for a business to build a brand and develop a unique product or service! Many people experience first-hand the cost of hiring too quickly when it is already too late - let’s face it, “firefighting mode” is never the answer! 

In order to fully appreciate and map out how to achieve success through your people(team/employees?), a refined hiring process is paramount - be proactive! Dedicating time to filling positions with employees who share in the business vision and are passionate about helping you get there will prove vital to any growth strategies.

Remember - no individual is the finished article. 

People often misinterpret the difference between a contract employee and a permanent employee. The simplest analogy to use is: when you hire a permanent employee, you are investing in their journey; when you are hiring a contractor, you are investing in their destination. While they may not tick all your boxes, you should recruit based on future potential to tick these boxes. The ultimate goal of recruitment is to build a team of employees that feel valued and satisfied. In the end, this will lead to increased productivity and contributions to achieving business growth. 

“Whether you like it or not, whether you are a start-up or conglomerate - the people that make up the body of your business, form the foundations of your success” 

Luke Seaman, Director

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